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      More pubsub problems squashed. ConverseJS and JSXC web clients OMEMO working

      admin · / chatterboxtown-us-news-and-announcements · Friday, 20 November, 2020 - 08:43

    I was able to restore the 100% compliance test results after clearing one of the pubsub tables in PostgreSQL. However, this morning, I discovered that while my mobile and desktop clients appeared to be working perfectly the hosted web clients were having problems establishing OMEMO with my other clients. At least, this time I knew that it had something to do with pubsub databases. There's a few tables and I had only cleared one of them to pass the compliance test, but I guess there might have still been some entries in the other tables that were now missing associations causing more failures. I tried just clearing the pubsub related tables through phppgadmin, but it didn't seem to fix things. So, I decided to drop the pubsub tables completely and reload the database schema by importing the /opt/ejabberd-20.07/lib/ejabberd-20.07/priv/sql/pg.sql back into the database. Luckily, doing so will not overwrite any existing tables, but it did rebuild the missing pubsub tables. Anyway, that appears to have fixed that problem.